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Some aviators believe oxygen-related hazards are countered only through technology. Others believe it’s a matter of better preparing the aviators themselves. Aeronautical Data Systems believes it is a function of both.


Whether you are in the hangar planning your next flight, or making critical decisions in a depressurized cockpit, ADS delivers the answers you need -- when and how you need them.

Ergo180 iOS app
Ergo360 iOS app
O2 Timer iOS app
Standard Oxygen ETP
Aeronautical Data Systems Toolbox
ErgBlue logo iOS App


ERGO BLUE provides a visual picture of an aircraft’s position relative to airports and ships within the region. With this low-cost app, should an aircraft need to make emergency landing, the pilot has an immediate visual picture of the best options – including ships best positioned for quick rescue. The app can also transmit a continuous mayday call (voice and data) over the maritime distress frequency, Channel 16, which provides ships within VHF range with continuously-updated aircraft information, including its changing position as it makes its water landing.

ErgoBlue iOS App vessels
Ergo360 iOS app

ERGO 360

ERGO 360 takes the complicated fuel and oxygen reserves data found in the FMS and oxygen profiles, and expresses these assets on a map. The concept is simple, but when responding to a critical threat, the outcome can be decisive. 

ergo360 anchor

ERGO 180

A pilot-friendly app that clearly displays key decision-making information in the event of an emergency landing on land or water, including:

  • Aircraft location

  • Fuel range at given fuel flow & ground speed

  • Glide range based on aircraft specs

  • Diversion airports within range

  • Ships within range for quickest possible rescue

Ergo180 iOS App
Ergo180 iOS App
Ergo180 Anchor

o2 timer

The O2 Timer is an asset duration calculator. Its primary function is to condense complicated tabular metrics into a duration (time remaining) format. As a result, the O2 Timer makes it possible to standardize the reading of all oxygen systems. The O2 timer has two simple objectives:  1) to provide pilots with rapid and logical information on their oxygen reserves in a duration output, 2) to alleviate regulatory exposure to flight crews and operating companies.  

O2 Synoptic
O2 Timer iOS App
O2 timer anchor
O2 ETP Flight Plan
Standard Oxygen ETP



The Standard Oxygen ETP (SO-ETP) is designed to simplify and standardize oxygen planning. Today there are numerous formats for oxygen planning and all of them provide pages of raw data on pressures and volumes. ADS has consolidated this information into a single sheet and applies prescribed pressures to time intervals, similarly to the way fuel is currently presented to pilots.

so-etp anchor

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The ADS Toolbox is a collection of use-specific software products. These programs developed organically as tertiary products during the development of our primary dynamic response and planning services. The products found in the ADS Toolbox are ideal for OEMs and completion centers that need a leg up in crafting an oxygen system design, for flight planning providers and dispatchers looking to introduce value added features to their services, and for pilots looking for quick reference/diagnostic tools.

Aeronautical Data Systems Toolbox

oxygen manager

air data computer reference

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oxygen offset
oxygen manager
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