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Providing organizations with a standardized oxygen-specific Safety Management System (SMS) is a priority for Aeronautical Data Systems. For this reason, all of our services, training and research are designed and conducted with FAR 14.5 and AC120-92B in mind. These FAA documents lay out the framework for an aviation SMS, and the ADS provides everything you need to achieve Oxygen SMS compliance.

SMS & Standardization

Any effective SMS begins with a thorough risk analysis. Aviation oxygen risk assessment has gone largely unchanged for more than 60 years. As such, ADS has conducted a meticulous re-examination of oxygen and its role in current aviation practices. Accounting for dramatic changes in technology, wider performance variables and the sheer volume of contemporary air travel, ADS has produced the most comprehensive oxygen risk analysis in aviation. It is this risk analysis that forms the basis of the ADS Oxygen SMS component. 


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