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British Airways, Fumes in Cabin

A British Airways Boeing 787-900, registration G-ZBKM performing flight BA-73 from London Heathrow,EN (UK) to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), was enroute at FL370 about 100nm west of Frankfurt/Main (Germany) when the crew reported smoke in the cockpit at first subsequently correcting to smoke in the forward galley advising there were only fumes but no visible smoke. The aircraft diverted to Frankfurt for a safe landing on runway 07R about 25 minutes later and stopped on the runway, where emergency services checked the aircraft. About 15 minutes later the aircraft was cleared to taxi to the apron. A replacement Boeing 787-900 registration G-ZBKG was dispatched from London to Frankfurt, resumed the flight but needed to divert to Muscat (Oman) due to weather in Abu Dhabi landing in Muscat about 9 hours past scheduled arrival in Abu Dhabi.

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