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SAS, Cargo Smoke Indication

A SAS Scandinavian Airlines Airbus A340-300, registration OY-KBC performing flight SK-995 from Copenhagen (Denmark) to Beijing (China) with 244 passengers (crew reported 56 people on board), was climbing out of Copenhagen when the crew stopped the climb at FL260 reporting a forward cargo smoke indication. The crew reported their equipment contained Lithium Metal Batteries, they were having 34 tons of fuel on board. The aircraft returned for a CATIII ILS approach to runway 22L and landed safely back about 75 minutes after departure. A replacement Airbus A340-300 registration OY-KBI reached Beijing with a delay of 4:15 hours. The occurrence aircraft is still on the ground 71 hours after landing back. On Feb 7th 2017 the airline reported the crew observed 12% less rpm on engine #3 (CFM56, inboard right hand) compared to the other three engines. In consultation with the technical department it was decided to return to Copenhagen for troubleshooting. There were 244 passengers on board of the flight.

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